Friday, 12 September 2008

Penguin snowstorm finished at last!

There , actually finished this painting now, complete with snow splatters. It seems I have put the penguins in a bit of a predicament, snow storms, wind, breaking ice....there is even a couple of whales , do whales eat penguins?? Probably not , too feathery!!!

Anyhow the next painting to be finished was firefly, from a distance it looks abstract orange, yellow, blue fused together. On closer look it appears to be full of angels, or maybe fairy fireflies......
Now will be starting some new paintings, I have sold two in the last week, feeling quite pleased ... only the first week of showing will display them tomorrow. I forgot to say please excuse any spelling mistakes, I am dyslexic , I do my best not too but when I get tired mistakes happen. Jeanne

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