Monday 15 September 2008

Three paintings sold , wheeeeeeeeee

It has been a good week for the first foray into the art market with my new paintings. I am absolutely over the moon people liked these paintings enough to buy them, thank you. Of course now I have to paint more.....I have been working on some smaller ones, with a smaller price tag exclusive to my Etsy shop - , they should be uploaded tomorrow.

My grandparents ,who lived in France for 25 years recently passed away and this has got me thinking about painting some memories of life France, Mediterranean echoes of sand , sea, olive trees and vineyards, but I'll see , I can never predict exactly how they will turn out. I definitely am going to do a night time traffic scene, with lots of bright, primary colours. As I begin my new paintings I will post up pictures as they develop.....

My new artportfolio at ( will be up and running ,hopefully by the end of the day.

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